The Milwaukee County Falls Prevention Coalition (MCFPC) addresses the adult community’s risk of falling by providing access to comprehensive programs and targeted interventions. The coalition creates links between community programs and services in order to enhance collaborative efforts.
Home Safety Challenge
Can you identify the hazards in your home? Take the interactive home safety challenge provided by Falls Free Wisconsin to virtually tour a real Wisconsin home and spot the fall risks.
What is MCFPC?
The Milwaukee County Falls Prevention Coalition (MCFPC) is made up of local health systems, government agencies, community organizations, businesses, and community members with the common goal of reducing falls and fall risk. MCFPC is committed to raising awareness about ways for community members to reduce their fall risk and be connected with the necessary resources in the community.
Tip of the Month
Come back every month to learn new tips regarding falls prevention.
Key Statistics
Falls are the leading cause of older adult injury and death and cost the US health care system over fifty billion dollars in 2015.
Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall.
Wisconsin ranks worst in the nation for deadly falls at a rate of 143 per 100,000.
Every 20 minutes an older adult dies from a fall in the US and many more are injured.
Check YOUR Fall Risk
Have your healthcare provider review your medicine.
Exercise to improve your strength and balance.
Have your eyes and feet checked.
Make your home safer.
Know your own risk factors and take steps to decrease them.
Falls Free Check Up
Answer 13 simple questions to access your risk of falling and receive a personalized report to share with your healthcare provider. (The assessment is available in English & Spanish.)
Join our Mailing List!
It all begins with passion. Join the mailing list now to receive updates on the latest MCFPC news, events, resources, and more.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
— Helen Keller